
Sharing our success stories proudly…

Real people.

Real reviews.

Katie’s Story

What does a mother of a toddler do when she's so fatigued she can't make it through the day? When she has vertigo, chronic pain, and hives, all symptoms her conventional doctor has failed to find a cause or remedy for?

She seeks out functional medicine support from Dr. Bradley Dyer at Premier Integrative Health where she finds answers that resolve all her chronic issues. Katie's story isn't unique. Thousands of patients have regained their health at Premier Integrative Health by addressing the root cause and adjusting their diet and lifestyle with support from medical grade supplements and medical guidance.

Mark’s Story

Minister Mark wanted to live well and longer so he could be there for his family and grandchildren.

That "why" was a pivotal reason he joined the Empowerment of Diabetes program. It was life changing.

Adam & Vanessa’s Story

After countless failed weight loss programs, Adam and Vanessa turned to Premier Integrative Health to get to the root cause of their joint pain, acid reflux, and fatigue. They were so tired they could hardly get off the couch to play with their children. After addressing their lifestyle issues, working with Dr. Bradley Dyer and Nutritionist Brittany Flewelling, Adam and Vanessa feel great and have the energy to live their best lives. They say the cost of the 12 week program is far cheaper than they're former life of eating out often and feeling bad all the time.

Meg’s Story

Learn how our patient Megan Kliewer finally found resolution to her health issues through the kind and knowledgeable treatment team at Premier Integrative Health in North Kansas City, Missouri.

Megan commends Dr. Brad Dyer and his team of nutritionists, patient navigators, and other practitioners for helping her return to her optimal health and self.

Darbi’s Story

Premier Integrative Health patient shares why she joined the Empowerment Over Diabetes group program and how it improved her energy, sleep, and outlook on life. Darbi has broken the family cycle of everyone being treated for diabetes by being the first to address the disease with lifestyle changes that now are a way of living.

Abbie’s Story

Abbie relied on mainstream medicine for more than a decade of trying to resolve her lupus, chronic pain, and other health issues. She turned to functional medicine and Dr. Bradley Dyer's guidance at Premier Integrative Health. Today she is virtually pain free and feels her best yet.


Great Improvement In Symptoms.

I’m a new woman!

Healing, FINALLY.

Great Improvement In Symptoms. • I’m a new woman! • Healing, FINALLY. •

I feel so much better thanks to Dr. Dyer and his team.

“He listened to me and we got to the root cause of the problem and my health coach has been an anchor during some stressful times these last few months. If you’re looking for a great functional doctor with an amazing team you can find them at Premier Integrative Health” — Myrna S

Personal attention with listening ears. Amazing.

"I finally got the answers to questions about my health that I have had most my life, and a few more that I didn’t know to ask! Love that he will use prescription grade supplements to help healing and has the knowledge/training on the latest science to back it up. Super smart with common sense. Love it." — Katrina D

-Michelle M.

Experiencing some long-overdue relief.

"FINALLY, the root causes are being addressed and I am experiencing some long-overdue relief. I love the motto here, “Find the cause, live the cure.” It is changing my life, perhaps it can change yours as well.”

-Candice M.

I feel like myself again!

"The team at Premier Integrative Health helped me with allergies, hormone imbalance, stress management, and insomnia. I don’t know where I would be today without their help. I feel like myself again! Thanks to Dr. Dyer and his team! I cannot recommend them enough! "

Innovative approach to medicine.

"I have been in treatment with Dr. Dyer for the past several months, and have had tremendous success with a long list of digestive issues. I am feeling better than I have in years, and we are well on the road to full recovery. What I appreciate most about Dr. Dyer is his availability, attentiveness, and his personalized approach to medicine. I also love the clinic’s integrated approach. I highly recommended Dr. Dyer and Premier Integrative Health!"

-Chris S.

Finally feel confident.

"After talking with Dr. Dyer about my many sporadic reading of medical literature I feel confident he’s knowledgable about all the conflicting information and has a best practice that will work for me. Being very critical, I’m pretty darn happy with our first conversation."

-Mark W.

Premier Integrative Health has given me back control.

"By following the guidance on eating keto and using intermittent fasting, my blood sugars dropped from 230 to 80 in two weeks! I have been taken off of all my diabetes medication now and my fasting blood sugars are averaging below go! I have started working out again and feel great. I feel like I have gained control of my own health again."

-Aubrey H.

A whole hour with your doctor!

"Only after working with Dr. Dyer did I start to notice a difference in my condition, as well as my outlook for the future. Do yourself a favor and invest in true HEALTH-care with Dr. Dyer and PIH! "

"Dr. Dyer is a doctor like no other. He spent a lot of time with me and genuinely wants to find the source of the symptoms and not just mask them with more and more medications. He makes me feel like a person, not just another patient." — Kim M

"Dr. Dyer is a doctor like no other. He spent a lot of time with me and genuinely wants to find the source of the symptoms and not just mask them with more and more medications. He makes me feel like a person, not just another patient." — Kim M

"He spent two hours with me going over all my history and medical concerns. Together we reached a plan to get me started toward my goal. Dr. Dyer is through in his approach in obtaining the information and testing needed to treat the whole person. I like that he is a medical doctor with an enlightened look on medical treatment." — Sandy M.

"He spent two hours with me going over all my history and medical concerns. Together we reached a plan to get me started toward my goal. Dr. Dyer is through in his approach in obtaining the information and testing needed to treat the whole person. I like that he is a medical doctor with an enlightened look on medical treatment." — Sandy M.

"For far to long I was considered an “anomaly” with my medical symptoms and was written off as “you’re not that bad [yet]” "Meanwhile I was in so much pain and was on a crazy roller coaster with my mood/energy levels. Dr. Dyer has listened to my symptoms and we have been working together to find a solution." -Megan C.

"For far to long I was considered an “anomaly” with my medical symptoms and was written off as “you’re not that bad [yet]” "Meanwhile I was in so much pain and was on a crazy roller coaster with my mood/energy levels. Dr. Dyer has listened to my symptoms and we have been working together to find a solution." -Megan C.

Want to learn more?

Let’s Chat.

Book a Free Consultation and let’s go through your health history to see what the clinic can do for you!