Premier Signature Program
Are You Ready to Live a More Vibrant Life?
Meet your Dream Team
The Signature Program is one of the most comprehensive programs in the industry. It gives you the time, tools, resources and multi-provider support to truly achieve life long health.
Are you a good candidate for the Signature Program?
If you’re struggling with or interested in any of the following…
Autoimmune disease (MS, RA, Celiac, Hashimoto’s, Psoriasis, etc)
Digestive disorders (IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s, Colitis, heartburn)
Diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular disease
Joint pain and stiffness
Medical Weight loss
Endocrine imbalances (Thyroid disease, Adrenal dysfunction, Hormone imbalances)
Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
Medical Detoxification
Anyone looking to take in-depth approach to their bio-individuality and take a progressive and unique approach to improve their health!
What’s included
Up to 5 visits with the medical provider including 90min initial consultation, 60min lab review, and 3 additional 45min follow ups.
Must be used within 6 month time frame. -
Accountability and support during your program including implementation of treatment from the doctor, nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, goal setting, mindset, exercise and mindfulness cannot be overstated.
This makes your health coach an integral part of your team at Premier Integrative Health.
Up to 6 visits with the Health Coach. *Must be used within 6 month time frame
As needed for nutritional support that goes beyond the scope of your health and wellness coach.
Up to 5 visits with our Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
*Must be used within 6 month timeframe.PLUS+ A virtual group orientation course called “Food as Medicine” that will give you the foundational information before diving in one-on-one with the Nutritional Practitioner.
We don’t guess when it comes to finding the root cause of the issue. Our specialty lab tests are the most innovative and in-depth tests available today! Our highly trained practitioners use the findings from the testing to create a protocol that is right for you!
Our standard labs include the following tests (retail VALUE over $1500 included)*
Vibrant America Custom Wellness Panel (blood)**
Vibrant America Gut Zoomer 3.0 (stool)
Genova NutrEval or Metabolomix (Blood and Urine)**
3×4 Genetics Comprehensive DNA pathways (Saliva)
*Additional (optional) testing may be recommended at an additional cost for more complex health conditions.
**A fasting blood draw will be required. We refer most patients to www.caresticks.com for the blood draw after the initial visit. You will be responsible for the phlebotomy services fee paid directly to the phlebotomist (avg $50).
You have full access to a HIPPA compliant secure patient portal where you will begin by completing your new patient paperwork and uploading any recent lab reports for the team to review. We encourage you to communicate through the patient portal with your providers between appointments. There are no additional charges for secure messaging while you are in a program/membership.
Messages are generally answered within 24-48 hours. If the question is too complex you may be asked to schedule an appointment.
Upon enrollment, you'll automatically receive a $500 credit to your account to use for Medical Grade Supplements here at the clinic.
We use industry-exclusive brands backed by science to treat conditions. By tailoring specific protocols (similar to a prescription) based on what we're addressing on your labs, you'll no longer be guessing which supplements are best.
You'll also receive a LIFETIME 10% discount to use in-office or through an on-line supplement dispensary as a Signature Program patient. -
Unlimited access to advanced technology to accurately assess body composition, encouraging you and keeping you on track.
To help boost and facilitate a faster healing journey. You'll receive a handful of free services that we offer at the clinic.
The Signature Program Service Package includes:
* 6 FREE IM Injections* 12 FREE PEMF Therapy Sessions
*2-week FREE rental of ALPHA-STIM machine
*FREE access to ALL our community events and classes including Small Group Yoga every Friday with Tricia.
*Access to our exclusive PIH Community Facebook group, where you will connect with previous and current PSP members!
*Upon enrollment, we send you a jam-packed and goodie-filled WELCOME KIT exclusive to Signature Program patients.
*PSP Lifestyle Manual is an excellent educational tool that will help you get the most out of your journey. It's yours to keep, so mark it up with notes and highlights as you go!
*PIH Lifestyle App is a powerful and convenient way to deliver many of our dietary and exercise programs via an app on your phone. It is also an excellent way for you to communicate with your health coach. Check your app daily to check your messages, review content and keep track of your progress!

Choose Your Provider
Dr. Diana Hubbard, ND
specializing in:
Women’s Health
Thyroid/Adrenal Health
Long Haul Covid
Autoimmunity & Gut Health
Mold Exposure
Lymes, etc
Dr. Bradley Dyer, DO
specializing in:
Men’s Health
Metabolic Dysfunction
Diabetes & Obesity
Cardiovascular Issues
Autoimmunity & Gut Health
Mental/Psychiatric Health
Sports Medicine & Recovery

What’s the Investment?
*with 6 month payment plan of $1250/monthly
*$500 discount for payment upfront
(due at first initial appt. with the doctor)
(+ $150 non-refundable enrollment fee)
Financing is available through Advance Care Card, which offers up to 14 months, NO INTEREST payments, for patients looking to work with Functional Medicine practitioners. This option allows you to make manageable payments over a longer period of time. You can take advantage of the “up-front, single payment $500 discount” with the Advance Care Card. For more information go to advancecarecard.com.
Our in-office payment plan is a great option to get started and pay-as-you-go each month. Your first payment will be due at your first appointment with the doctor, then your credit/debit card will be automatically charged each month until 6 payments have been completed.
You can choose the payment option that works best for you! We accept all major credit/debit cards and in many cases, HSA/FSA accounts.
What happens after the program?
As you approach the end of your Signature Program, we know you’ll be in a much better state of health then when you started.
Moving forward, we’ll help you navigate the best approach for a long-term plan of action so you stay supported on your new trajectory.
ALL Signature Program Patients have the option to transition
towards an exclusive maintenance membership:
Premier Lifestyle Membership at $299
Deluxe Membership at $199/month
If you have any questions about our other memberships, please feel reach out to our office during business hours and we will be happy to help!